Thoughts for the Day

Rev Sharon Swain has been a parish priest for many years. She is a writer and educator, and until recently lived in Pembrokeshire in South Wales, working in an active-retired capacity caring for St James' Church, Manorbier. Unable to visit parishioners during the Pandemic first lock-down, she found a new ministry in producing thoughts based on readings for the day. Now living in Staffordshire, she sends her 'Thoughts for the Day' to hundreds around the world via email, and this has become her sole ministry. She is happy to add new names to this list. Contact:

Tuesday, 8th February 2022 - Loving one another, today Monday, 7th February 2022 - We are the branches of the vine Sunday, 6th February 2022 - Instructions for God's children Saturday, 5th February 2022 - Keeping on the right track Friday, 4th February 2022 - God's challenge Thursday, 3rd February 2022 - The Lord is my refuge Wednesday, 2nd February 2022 - Candlemas - Presentation of Christ Tuesday, 1st February 2022 - Jesus the High Priest Monday, 31st January 2022 - One body Sunday, 30th January 2022 - Giving generously Saturday, 29th January 2022 - The Spirit gives different gifts Friday, 28th January 2022 - The Lord's instructions Thursday, 27th January 2022 - Hiding from God Wednesday, 26th January 2022 - Growing in fellowship Tuesday, 25th January 2022 - The Conversion of Paul, Apostle Monday, 24th January 2022 - A kingdom divided cannot stand Sunday, 23rd January 2022 - Home is Capernaum Saturday, 22nd January 2022 - The tower of Babel Friday, 21st January 2022 - Sham gods Thursday, 20th January 2022 - You have put my tears in Your bottle Wednesday, 19th January 2022 - Accepting others Tuesday, 18th January 2022 - Christian unity Monday, 17th January 2022 - Old age Sunday, 16th January 2022 - The first miracle Saturday, 15th January 2022 - Getting priorities right