Thoughts for the Day

Rev Sharon Swain has been a parish priest for many years. She is a writer and educator, and until recently lived in Pembrokeshire in South Wales, working in an active-retired capacity caring for St James' Church, Manorbier. Unable to visit parishioners during the Pandemic first lock-down, she found a new ministry in producing thoughts based on readings for the day. Now living in Staffordshire, she sends her 'Thoughts for the Day' to hundreds around the world via email, and this has become her sole ministry. She is happy to add new names to this list. Contact:

Wednesday, 21st September 2022 - Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist Tuesday, 20th September 2022 - A move to the gentiles Monday, 19th September 2022 - The Light we cannot hide Sunday, 18th September 2022 - Our attitude to God Saturday, 17th September 2022 - How good it is to sing praises to God Friday, 16th September 2022 - Zechariah 2 - God promises to dwell in the midst of His people Thursday, 15th September 2022 - Zechariah 1 - Encouragement is given Wednesday, 14th September 2022 - Holy Cross Day Tuesday, 13th September 2022 - Eve of Holy Cross Day Monday, 12th September 2022 - Seeing a sign from heaven Sunday, 11th September 2022 - Education Sunday Saturday, 10th September 2022 - Growing good fruit Friday, 9th September 2022 - Copying the teacher Thursday, 8th September 2022 - The Golden Rule Wednesday, 7th September 2022 - Real sins Tuesday, 6th September 2022 - Micah 10 - God offers us mercy Monday, 5th September 2022 - Micah 9 - No faithful people Sunday, 4th September 2022 - Following Jesus can be expensive Saturday, 3rd September 2022 - Micah 8 - The Law Court Friday, 2nd September 2022 - Micah 7 - Prophecy concerning the Messiah Thursday, 1st September 2022 - Micah 6 - The promise of peace Wednesday, 31st August 2022 - Micah 5 - The prophet speaks out against the leaders Tuesday, 30th August 2022 - Micah 4 - The promise to return Monday, 29th August 2022 - Micah 3 - Sinners are condemned Sunday, 28th August 2022 - Rewards for the righteous