Thoughts of the Day Topics

Thoughts about "Parable"

Tuesday, 19th May 2020 - The Wise Man's House Tuesday, 26th May 2020 - The parable of the Sower Monday, 22nd June 2020 - Specs and Logs Thursday, 25th June 2020 - Being humble Tuesday, 7th July 2020 - Keep praying Saturday, 11th July 2020 - Usings our gifts and talents Thursday, 23rd July 2020 - Parables (1) Sunday, 26th July 2020 - The Kingdom of Heaven (1) Monday, 27th July 2020 - The Kingdom of Heaven (2) Tuesday, 28th July 2020 - The Kingdom of Heaven (3) Wednesday, 29th July 2020 - The Kingdom of Heaven (4) Thursday, 30th July 2020 - The Kingdom of Heaven (5) Tuesday, 11th August 2020 - The sheep that escapes Thursday, 20th August 2020 - The Kingdom of Heaven (6) Friday, 21st August 2020 - The lamp on the lampstand Monday, 26th October 2020 - Abiding in God Saturday, 6th March 2021 - The lost coin Saturday, 13th March 2021 - Actions are not everything Tuesday, 16th March 2021 - I am the gate (3) Wednesday, 17th March 2021 - I am the Good Shepherd (4) Tuesday, 8th June 2021 - The parable of the rich fool Friday, 18th June 2021 - Store up treasure in heaven Thursday, 15th July 2021 - The fig tree Wednesday, 21st July 2021 - Parables (2) Monday, 9th August 2021 - Mark - 6 Thursday, 16th September 2021 - Mark - 12 Monday, 18th October 2021 - Saint Luke, Evangelist Tuesday, 14th December 2021 - What do you think? Monday, 24th January 2022 - A kingdom divided cannot stand Sunday, 6th March 2022 - The double parable Friday, 1st July 2022 - Jesus' comments at a Pharisee's house Wednesday, 20th July 2022 - Let those with ears listen! Thursday, 28th July 2022 - A warning! Friday, 26th August 2022 - The parable of the Bridesmaids Wednesday, 7th September 2022 - Real sins Sunday, 11th September 2022 - Education Sunday Saturday, 8th October 2022 - Therefore keep awake Monday, 17th October 2022 - Seeking heavenly treasure Sunday, 23rd October 2022 - Bible Sunday 2022 Tuesday, 25th October 2022 - The kingdom of God is like...? Thursday, 3rd November 2022 - Sinners repent and are welcomed Friday, 4th November 2022 - As we forgive others Tuesday, 8th November 2022 - You are the salt of the earth Thursday, 19th January 2023 - Saint Wulfstan, the Bishop who fought slavery (1095 CE) Wednesday, 21st June 2023 - Strive to enter through the narrow door! Friday, 23rd June 2023 - What is treasure? Sunday, 25th June 2023 - The great feast Sunday, 23rd July 2023 - Let anyone with ears listen! Friday, 1st September 2023 - The Kingdom of Heaven Saturday, 2nd September 2023 - Using our gifts Friday, 15th September 2023 - Unreal perceptions Saturday, 16th September 2023 - Building foundations Sunday, 24th September 2023 - The upside-down Kingdom Monday, 25th September 2023 - Three little parables Monday, 16th October 2023 - The lamp of the body Friday, 27th October 2023 - Wasted opportunities Wednesday, 8th November 2023 - The cost of Discipleship Thursday, 9th November 2023 - The lost sheep Friday, 10th November 2023 - The difficult parable - 1 Saturday, 11th November 2023 - The difficult parable - 2 Sunday, 12th November 2023 - The oil of the Spirit Saturday, 18th November 2023 - Be persistent Friday, 26th January 2024 - God's Kingdom continues to grow Monday, 19th February 2024 - The judgement of the people Saturday, 2nd March 2024 - The two sons Tuesday, 5th March 2024 - The enormous debt Monday, 3rd June 2024 - A parable about God's people Tuesday, 25th June 2024 - Persistence in prayer