Thoughts for the Day

Wednesday, 26th July 2023: Really hearing God's message

Matthew 13 Understanding Disciples Jesus Seeing Hearing

Reading : Verses from Matthew, Chapter 13

Jesus and the disciples

Jesus said, 'Blessed are your eyes, for they see, and your ears, for they hear. Truly I tell you, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see, but did not see it, and to hear what you hear, but did not hear it.'

(Lectionary, New Revised Standard Version)


Have you ever thought, "It's like hitting my head against a brick wall", when you've been trying to get your point over, or teach something important? It's an expression we use when we feel we're not getting anywhere. Jesus, and his disciples after him must surely have felt like this, as did the prophets before them. Isaiah had said:

Give ear, O my people, to my teaching;
incline your ears to the words of my mouth.
I will open my mouth in a parable;
I will utter dark sayings from of old,
things that we have heard and known,
that our ancestors have told us.
(Psalm 78-1-3)

But somehow the people heard the sound of the words but did not really hear - in other words, they heard the words but did not understand. Sometimes it was a deliberate turning away, as it is today; sometimes they are just too busy; sometimes their priorities are just oddly skewed. But we have such a few years on this earth so it becomes even more important to really hear God's message to us.

As Jesus blesses the disciples for their understanding, so today we thank God for hearing His message to us. So go on 'hitting your head on the brick wall' to help others come to an understanding of what God has done for them.


Holy Spirit,
breath of God,
we thank You
for opening our eyes and ears
to Your message of love.
Keep us ever awake and alert
for Your word to us,
and give us the insight
in how to encourage others
to understand Your role
in our life and in our world.

Follow Up Thoughts

You might like to look at this short video about the work of the Holy Spirit. It's the best easy-to-understand explanation of the Holy Spirit I have ever seen, and really worth watching:

Or listen to this:

Or this:

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