Thoughts for the Day

Wednesday, 15th April 2020: Faith works, but...

Holy Spirit Jesus Christ Acts 3 Miracle Faith Prayer Resurrectiion Peter Praise Disciples God

Reading : Verses from Acts, Chapter 3

One day Peter and John were going up to the temple at the hour of prayer, at three o'clock in the afternoon. And a man lame from birth was being carried in. ... When he saw Peter and John about to go into the temple, he asked them for alms. Peter looked intently at him, as did John, and said, "Look at us." And he fixed his attention on them, expecting to receive something from them. But Peter said, "I have no silver or gold, but what I have I give you; in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, stand up and walk." And he took him by the right hand and raised him up; and immediately his feet and ankles were made strong. Jumping up, he stood and began to walk, and he entered the temple with them, walking, and leaping and praising God.

(New Revised Standard Version)


This example of the power of the Holy Spirit at work in the early church comes some time later than the resurrection of Jesus, but it is a wonderful example of the way things have changed. The men who could not heal a lad some months earlier, and the terrified disciples who ran away or denied Jesus prior to his death, are no more. Using the name of "Jesus of Nazareth" Peter and John perform their first miracle.

God still performs miracles and our prayers can be answered, though we need to remember two things:

  1. What we ask may not actually be the best outcome. We have to leave the outcome to God, for He sees the bigger picture!
  2. God still expects us to play our part. It's no good expecting to get a good job if you don't apply for it; or win the lottery, if you don't play it.

So deliberately putting yourself in the way of getting the coronavirus, and saying "God will protect me!" is simply not part of my faith - that's too much like testing God. We should do all we can to protect ourselves from the virus (and I appreciate that members of the NHS may not be able to), and we should ask God to keep us safe!


Heavenly Father,
we pray for all who are sick at this time,
and ask that Your will be done, not our will.
May we have the faith to leave those who
are sick in Your hands
and in the hands of the nursing staff
who care for them,
believing that You know what is best
for all Your people.

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