Thoughts for the Day

Sunday, 5th February 2023: Salt of the earth

Salt of the earth Salt Jesus Matthew 5

Reading : Verses from Matthew, Chapter 5

Salt baskets

‘You are the salt of the earth; but if salt has lost its taste, how can its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything, but is thrown out and trampled under foot.

(Lectionary, New Revised Standard Version)


Over the last few years many people have lost their sense of taste or smell after catching Covid. Food may also taste bland, salty, sweet or even metallic. Hopefully this doesn't last too long. But we can take our senses, particular that of taste for granted. I remember Olive, my mother, (so called because "Mum" was the name of a deodorant, and she said "I'm a Christian, with a Christian name!") looking forward to a "real cup of tea" after some years in Germany. With the threat of TB from cows, all milk was evaporated then. The first cup was at the railway station, but when the second at a relative's house was the same, she was forced to agree her taste-buds had changed.

I have almost cut out salt in my diet, however, at a recent meal in a restaurant I realised my chips had already been salted. They were wonderful! It reminded me how bland foods can become infused with flavour, and it was this metaphor that Jesus used to teach his disciples. They were to be "the salt of the earth", they were to add flavour to life. But unfortunately, we Christians are often seen as doing the opposite.

The poet Swinburn once said: “Thou has conquered O pale Galilean; the world has grown grey from thy breath.” We need to be filled with quiet joy at what the Lord has done for us. A test might be whether we have frown marks or laughter-lines on our face? Don't worry it's not too late to create new ones!


Lord Jesus Christ,
You taught your followers
to add flavour to life.
Help us to "count our blessings"
rather than "count our woes".
May we learn to be content
with what we have
and be more concerned
with the needs of others.
May we never forget that
You love each one of us
and remember this with gratitude.

Follow Up Thoughts

Listen to this old gospel song, it will surely lift your spirits:

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