Thoughts for the Day

Saturday, 5th December 2020: The Kingdom of Heaven (8)

Matthew 13 Atonement Jesus Kingdom of Heaven

Reading : Verses from Matthew, Chapter 13


Jesus said, 'Again the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls; on finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it.'

(Church in Wales Lectionary, from New Revised Standard Version)


Have you ever been to a big city and looked at the Christmas window displays in the really big stores, the ones with acres of lights, and 'stories' told in window after window with snowmen, Father Christmases and Victorian street scenes? Going inside you marvel at the amazing things that can be bought, from boats to jewellery, all costing thousands of pounds?

If you have, you will understand something of the idea behind this little parable of the pearl of great price. Today's reading speaks of the Kingdom of Heaven as something of great value that a person wants so much that they will do all they can to purchase it.

However, there is another meaning that we might consider. Ask yourself what can you possibly do to access a place in God's Kingdom? Nothing? Now think of this parable in another way. Maybe you are the pearl of great value. Jesus so loved you that He gave everything He had - His life - to rescue you!

Saturday 5th December, follow up thoughts


Lord Jesus,
we acknowledge that
we have nothing to offer You,
unless it be ourselves.
We also acknowledge that
You gave Your life for us.
Help us be honest and
accept Your offer of eternal life.

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