Thoughts for the Day

Wednesday, 12th August 2020: Jesus the Teacher: 1

Teaching Jesus Mark Chapter 1

Reading : Verses from Mark, Chapter 1

Jesus Teacher Icon

They went to Capernaum; and when the sabbath came, Jesus entered the synagogue and taught. They were astounded at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.

(New Revised Standard Version)


What makes a good teacher? As a teacher myself, and one who left school at 15 years old with no qualifications, and did all my GCE's (as they were then), A levels, two degrees, and a teaching certificate as a mature student, I know what I like in a teacher! One really good test is how many times can they explain something in a different way?

Some people need explanations that are visual or practical, others need to see things written down. Another asset for a teacher is the ability to put themselves in place of the student and to understand their needs. Such a person may not necessarily be an accredited teacher. My mother, Olive, never had a day of schooling in her life, living in Costa Rica until she was 15 years old, but if she learnt something herself she could immediately teach it to someone. She had patience, kindness, and a real desire to pass on the skill she had learnt.

Jesus was the ultimate teacher, he could work with his disciples using parables that told a story they would remember to gently urge them to change the way they thought; or he could place a child in front of them to admonish them. But as a visiting preacher he could also go into his local synagogue and as His Father's Son, teach the people what God wanted them to hear.

Wednesday 12th August, follow up thoughts


Lord Jesus,
as You taught the people
throughout Your ministry,
teach us what we need to know
to live as Your people
in Your world.

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