Thoughts for the Day

Sunday, 23rd January 2022: Home is Capernaum

Law Authority Mark 1 Peter Capernaum Jesus

Reading : Verses from Mark, Chapter 1


They went to Capernaum; and when the sabbath came, he entered the synagogue and taught. They were astounded at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.

(Church in Wales Lectionary, New Revised Standard Version)


Mark's Gospel is a 'busy' work. Jesus concentrates on action more than words, with incidents and places changing at speed. The word 'immediately' occurs more than 40 times, and there is an emphasis on Jesus as a servant - one who has a job to do! It is likely that it was Peter behind Mark's Gospel, for as well as Jesus he too spoke Aramaic. Words such as talitha cumi (5.41) and Abba (14.36) are used. However, the author was probably John-Mark, whom we see in the Acts of the Apostles. He appears to have written it sometime between 64-74 CE, only thirty years after the death of Jesus.

A lot of the Gospel is centred on Galilee, a large geographical area composed of both Gentiles and Jews, with Capernaum as its regional centre. Nazareth to the west was more of a rural backwater, and it seems Jesus probably made his home in Capernaum after effectively being thrown out of Nazareth (see Luke 4.16-30).

We learn that Jesus teaches with 'authority' unlike the scribes, who traditionally taught and interpreted the Law of Moses. Their judgements were usually based on earlier cases, while Jesus' authority came from that given to him at his baptism, through the Holy Spirit, which appeared like a dove (see (Mark 1.9-11). Our authority as Christians also comes from God at our Baptism, and we should refer to Him when in doubt or before taking any action.


Lord Jesus Christ,
You taught the people in the Synagogue
with the authority given You by Your Heavenly Father.
May we remember to turn to You
for advice and help
whenever we are in need,
and then to make decisions
based on Your word
as given us through the Holy Spirit.

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