Thoughts for the Day

Saturday, 25th July 2020: Following Jesus

Jesus Following Call Mark Chapter 1

Reading : Verses from Mark, Chapter 1

Jesus calls the fishermen

As Jesus passed along the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake - for they were fishermen. And Jesus said to them, 'Follow me and I will make you fish for people.' And immediately they left their net and followed him. As he went a little farther, he saw James son of Zebedee and his brother John who were in their boat mending the nets. Immediately he called them; and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired men, and followed him.

(New Revised Standard Version)


According to Matthew's Gospel, at the start of Jesus' ministry he left his home in Nazareth and went to live in Capernaum by the Sea of Galilee some 40 miles away. While there he must have got to know the fishermen who would have been at the lakeside each day cleaning their nets. Even so, for Simon (later called Peter), Andrew, James and John, to consider following an itinerant preacher would have been a huge risk. We don't see the debates that must have occurred, all we see is the men's response at the lakeside. Jesus calls, and they follow him! These disciples leave their families (we know Peter was married, and James and John's father Zebedee is mentioned) and follow Jesus, spending the next three years with him as he travels around Palestine.

Today Jesus calls us again and again. We don't always hear Him - or perhaps we don't want to hear Him - but He continues calling us in a variety of ways. At what point did we decide to follow that call, or have we yet to decide? Sometimes we decide to go our own way, and have to be called back again. Yet whatever we do, He continues to call us to follow Him.

Saturday 25th July, follow up thoughts


Lord Jesus,
we thank You that You call us
again and again.
Forgive us when we decide
to go our own way,
or decide to turn our back on You.
Help us to trust that it is You calling
when we are unsure,
and to follow You into the future.

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