Thoughts for the Day

Thursday, 16th July 2020: Come to me, you that are weary

God Jesus Matthew Chapter 11 Trust

Reading : Verses from Matthew, Chapter 11


Jesus said, 'Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.'

(New Revised StandardVersion)


Have you ever wanted someone just to pick you up? When you're tired, or in pain, wouldn't it be lovely? Or what about that problem - a worrying health sign; are you likely to lose your job; will a vulnerable member of the family get Covid 19; is it likely that your business will ever open again; will your income decrease; or indeed will there be any income? Whatever the problem it feels unsolvable and it takes up every thought of every day.

For those feeling like this at the moment, or for those we know who are suffering in this way, then this passage from Matthew's Gospel should speak to them.

2,000 years ago society was accustomed to animals carrying heavy burdens. The yoke was often a circular wooden band fixed to pegs on either side of an animal's head, which was then fixed to a plow or a cart, and could be used by one animal or two. The yoke was also a symbol of a slave or servant. Jesus uses this symbol, saying He will take our heavy burdens from us and we shall find rest, for his yoke is easy!

Thursday 16th July, follow up thoughts


Lord Jesus
we ask You to take our burdens from us -
our worries and our fears,
our pain and our problems.
We hand them over to You this day,
acknowledging that we cannot solve them.
But we ask that You will give us rest
and comfort this day from all that concerns us,
and that Your will shall prevail whatever happens.

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