Thoughts for the Day

Friday, 14th February 2025: Who can keep us safe?

Safety Danger Refuge God Psalm 31 Rescue

Reading : Verses from Psalm 31


A Psalm of David.

In you, O Lord, I seek refuge;
do not let me ever be put to shame;
in your righteousness deliver me.
Incline your ear to me;
rescue me speedily.
Be a rock of refuge for me,
a strong fortress to save me.

You are indeed my rock and my fortress;
for your name's sake lead me and guide me,
take me out of the net that is hidden for me,
for you are my refuge.
Into your hand I commit my spirit;
you have redeemed me, O Lord, faithful God....

Blessed be the Lord,
for he has wondrously shown his steadfast love to me
when I was beset as a city under siege.
I had said in my alarm,
‘I am driven far from your sight.’
But you heard my supplications
when I cried out to you for help.

Love the Lord, all you his saints.
The Lord preserves the faithful,
but abundantly repays the one who acts haughtily.
Be strong, and let your heart take courage,
all you who wait for the Lord.

(Lectionary, New Revised Standard Version)


For a number of years in my childhood we lived in Germany and Belgium but before my twelfth birthday we came back to live in England, first in Sussex and then later in Hampshire. My parents rented the downstairs of a very large house that was surrounded by fields and scrub-land and opened onto a forest. It was a child's paradise, and my brother and sister and I spent an awful lot of time up trees, having pine-cone battles on the roof of an old tin shed, and generally running wild all that summer.

My bolt-hole to get away from the twins who were younger than me was to go down the long drive and climb up high into a large oak tree. There were many places to sit among its branches, and I could remain hidden for hours reading a book. Protected by its leaves, it was my refuge, at a time leading up to my Confirmation, when I was beginning to grow up, and wanted some solitude. However on more than one occasion I was to fall out of that tree, and end up with grazed knees!

Psalm 31 shows David in need of a bolt-hole not to be alone, but because he is in danger. Notice his total confidence in God. He says God is his 'refuge', his 'rock', and his 'strong fortress'. In the same way today God is also our refuge in a time of real need (and certainly better than my tree!), and will keep us safe from harm. But there is a big caveat! We should go first to our Heavenly Father when we are in danger, for his way is always good. However, God's plans for us can sometimes be so much more complex than we can imagine, and the danger may not be removed. We need to learn to trust that God always has His best in mind for us, and will give us the strength to cope with whatever happens.


Heavenly Father,
when life is hard
and danger threatens
from whatever quarter,
be our shelter and refuge to protect us.
May we not forget to turn to you
and ask for Your help,
nor to thank you for the solution,
no matter how hard that might be.

Follow Up Thoughts

You might like to look at this:

If you are ever in danger then use the 'Jesus prayer'. It's widely accepted by all Christian denominations: "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner."

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