Thoughts for the Day

Sunday, 19th January 2025: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity: 2

Ephesians 4 Church Peace Unity Worship

Reading : Verses from Ephesians, Chapter 4


I therefore, the prisoner in the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, making every effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to the one hope of your calling, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in all.

(New Revised Standard Version)


There are some 2 billion Christians in the world, with at the latest count in 2024, approximately 40,000+ (true!) different Christian denominations worldwide, with many differences in beliefs, practices, interpretations of scripture, and of ritual. So perhaps we shouldn't ask the question "What are the differences between us?" Instead in this Week of Prayer for Christian Unity let us also look at the things that we hold in common.

Christians believe:

  1. That God exists. He is the supreme power behind all things.
  2. That Jesus was God's Son, born of Mary, who came to earth to save humanity from their sin, and was resurrected to eternal life.
  3. That the Holy Spirit is God's power at work in the world
  4. That the Trinity is God as Three who is One: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  5. That the Bible is the inspired word of God.
  6. That the Christian church is fundamental to believers, as God's Body on earth.

There are other aspects where churches agree and disagree, these are just some of the fundamentals. In 'Further Thoughts' there is some more detail on the three different branches of the Christian Church!

One thing to bear in mind is that what we hold in common as Christians of different denominations is so much greater than between us and those who profess no faith at all.


O Lord, we come to You seeking the unity of the church and the bond of peace. As we engage in this week of prayer, we ask for Your guidance in fostering unity among believers of different denominations. May Your presence fill our hearts and minds, and may we be instruments of Your peace in all that we do. We pray for the love of God to be evident in our interactions and for the unity of the Spirit to guide our efforts. Gracious God, help us to overcome any divisions and to work together in perfect harmony. We lift up our prayer requests and seek Your intervention in healing any rifts within and between our communities. May Your Word guide us towards unity and peace, and may our efforts be a testament to Your love and grace. We pray in the name of Christ Jesus. Amen.

(Week of Prayer for Christian Unity)

Follow Up Thoughts

You might like to look at this comparison of the three different branches of the Christian Church:

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