Thoughts for the Day

Tuesday, 20th October 2020: Rescued from trouble

God Rescued Psalm 107

Reading : Verses from Psalm 107


O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good:
for his steadfast love endures for ever.
Let the redeemed of the Lord say so,
those he redeemed from trouble...

Some sat in darkness and in gloom,
prisoners in misery and in irons,
for they had rebelled against the words of God
and spurned the counsel of the Most High.
Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble,
and he saved them from their distress....

Let them thank the Lord for his steadfast love,
for his wonderful works to humankind.

(New Revised Standard Version)


I am not a good swimmer. So after a swim in the sea one day, I decided it was time to turn back, only to discover that I was quite a long way from shore. It was also deeper than I expected, and I couldn't stand. I seem to make little headway, and was really beginning to panic. A friend saw me struggling and shouted, "Put your feet down!" I instinctively obeyed - to find the water only came up to my waist! Other than feeling an idiot, I was relieved to be safe.

Sometimes we sit in our own gloom. We listen to the news about Covid19, or we look at the texts that warn of disaster, and become more and more miserable. We worry about what will happen to our jobs or businesses and the economy. All of this adds pressure upon us.

God says, turn to me! And when we feel all is lost, like my friend on the shore He is there to help us. Do we have enough trust to turn to Him for help?

Tuesday 20th October, follow up thoughts


Lord God,
healer of the afflicted,
we bring to You
all our worries,
our ruined hopes and dreams,
and our broken world.
Help us to trust You,
at this time of great need,
and grant us healing.

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