Thoughts for the Day

Thursday, 14th March 2024: Please, thank you, and praise

God as Father Praise Psalm 115 Please Thanks

Reading : Verses from Psalm 115


Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name give glory,
for the sake of your steadfast love and your faithfulness.
Why should the nations say,
‘Where is their God?’

Our God is in the heavens;
he does whatever he pleases.
Their idols are silver and gold,
the work of human hands.
They have mouths, but do not speak;
eyes, but do not see.
They have ears, but do not hear;
noses, but do not smell.
They have hands, but do not feel;
feet, but do not walk;
they make no sound in their throats.
Those who make them are like them;
so are all who trust in them.

O Israel, trust in the Lord!
He is your help and your shield.
O house of Aaron, trust in the Lord!
He is your help and your shield.
You who fear the Lord, trust in the Lord!
He is your help and your shield....

The heavens are the Lord’s heavens,
but the earth he has given to human beings.
The dead do not praise the Lord,
nor do any that go down into silence.
But we will bless the Lord
from this time on and for evermore.
Praise the Lord!


Do you remember teaching children to say "Please" and "Thank you"? It seems to me there are a number of ways to do this. There's the repetitive "What do you say?" phrase as they make a request or as you hand over some sweets. Then there's the way that pretends not to hear the request from the child and remarks innocently, "I beg your pardon were you speaking to me?" Or the opposite one that holds the sweets tightly in the hand until the child remembers to say "Thank you". Of course this is all worthwhile when friends remark on the politeness of the small child as they "please" and "thank you" every adult in sight!

Psalm 115 reminds us that our success in life is due to God. There is a story about William Wilberforce, that he meditated on this psalm at the time the British Parliament were passing the anti-slavery bill in 1833, just three days before his death. After all his work to abolish slavery in the British Empire, he knew that it was really God's victory.

Unfortunately though, we frequently trust our present-day idols first (those things we consider more important than God), and it's only when they fail us, that we turn to God. We need to learn to turn with confidence to God, and with a simple "Please" make our request. Afterwards we need to remember our "Thank you" whatever the result, and like the Psalmist continue to praise our Heavenly Father for His goodness to us.


Lord God, Heavenly Father,
we praise You for Your mighty deeds,
and for Your goodness to us.
We praise You in song and speech,
for You alone are great,
You alone are Lord over all the earth.
We bring to You our petitions this day
and ask Your blessings on them
as it pleases You.
And we thank You for
all Your generosity to us.
Praise the Lord!

Follow Up Thoughts

You might like to play these hymns that reflect praise, please and thanks:

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