Thoughts for the Day

Sunday, 6th August 2023: O Lord, hear my just cause

Confession Psalm 17 Sin Protector God Help

Reading : Verses from Psalm 17

Man in prayer

Hear a just cause, O Lord; attend to my cry;
give ear to my prayer from lips free of deceit.
From you let my vindication come;
let your eyes see the right.

If you try my heart, if you visit me by night,
if you test me, you will find no wickedness in me;
my mouth does not transgress.

As for what others do, by the word of your lips
I have avoided the ways of the violent.
My steps have held fast to your paths;
my feet have not slipped.

I call upon you, for you will answer me, O God;
incline your ear to me, hear my words.
Wondrously show your steadfast love,
O saviour of those who seek refuge
from their adversaries at your right hand.

(Lectionary, New Revised Standard Version)


As a child my twin brother and sister and I frequently argued, and sometimes had to take our disagreements for arbitration to our mother, when it usually resolved into a "He said!" or "She did!" level. Ollie (you will remember we called our parents by their Christian names) would then have to administer the judgement of Solomon (see 1 Kings 3.16-28). Occasionally she got it wrong and one of us felt we have been judged incorrectly or harshly, although this was rare.

In Psalm 17 we see David appealing to God as a Judge. We might think that David's claims sound over the top as he seems to imply he is sinless. But he has searched his heart and knows that he is being honest and not offering God "spanish coin". He knows that night times are not just times of worry, they are often times when God's voice can be heard, when the noisy world is hushed and we can find time to concentrate on that still, small voice. Finally he appeals to God not just as a Judge, but as a friend and protector, and one who has heard him in the past.

We too need to examine our life in all honesty and confess our mistakes before we ask the Judge of all - who is also our friend and protector - for help.


Lord God,
as David searched his soul
and came to You for judgement,
may we be honest with You
knowing we must offer You truth.
Then may we turn to You
as to a friend,
and listen for the still, small voice,
during the night or day, that is Yours.

Follow Up Thoughts

Here are 25 prayers for a good night's sleep - you might find one to use each night before going to bed:

This song may not be for everyone, musically, but the words are lovely - particularly the second verse:

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