Thoughts for the Day

Thursday, 24th March 2022: God is with us

Son of God Psalm 46 Trust Refuge Worrying God

Reading : Verses from Psalm 46


God is our refuge and strength,
a very present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear,
though the earth should change,
Though the mountains shake…..

Be still, and know that I am God!
The Lord of hosts is with us;
The God of Jacob is our refuge.

(from New Revised Standard Version)


[Thoughts for the Day on 24th March 2020: God has not promised us an easy life, or peace, or prosperity, but He does say that He is with us – He is with us in the good times and the bad, when life is easy, or when the Corona virus attacks our world. Like a parent He does not always protect us, after all we make our own mistakes, but He understands our fears and worries. As a parent He saw His son crucified - paying the debt for our sin, and He holds out his hands in love welcoming us to Him.]

This is what I said on the first day of 'Thoughts for the Day' two years ago when the UK had gone into lockdown the day before because of the Covid pandemic; when we were allowed out only for an hour a day for exercise; and more to the point, although we knew that vaccines were on their way we did not know if they would stop the majority of us dying!

Little did we expect two years later to be faced with the horrendous situation in Ukraine! But the same God still waits for us His children to turn to Him; He is still waiting for us to ask His forgiveness; and He still waits to welcome us to Himself with love!


Father God,
still our fears,
calm our nerves,
and help us to remember
the fragile and vulnerable in our society,
and our world
as we cope with whatever happens
in the weeks and months ahead.

Follow Up Thoughts

Two years ago there were no pictures, but it seems nice to have some fireworks today! Nor did I include any Further Thoughts. So today we have a wonderful piece of music from an online choir, which is appropriate, produced by the BBC, and from Handel's 'Messiah':

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