Saturday 16th May, follow up thoughts

Saturday, 16th May 2020

Different types of prayer

We need to get into the habit of using different types of prayer. We may be very good at asking for God's help, and even of thanking Him for what He has done for us, but prayer should be more than that.

A common way of widening our scope in prayer is to remember the letters A.C.T.S. to help:

  1. Adoration: a prayer that praises God’s goodness and majesty - psalms can do this, see Psalm 111.
  2. Confession: saying sorry for our sins, and don't forget those sins you've never noticed.
  3. Thanksgiving: for everything that God gives to you and to the world.
  4. Supplication: praying for ourselves, but also for others and their needs.

Be honest with yourself, which category do you use most when speaking to God?

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