Monday 11th May, follow up thoughts

Monday, 11th May 2020

What things lift you up when you are down?

We have seen that the Lord sustains and upholds us. For those who have no power to help themselves but who would sink under the weight of their burdens, he is already lifting them up. When the trials and tribulations of life bend us under their weight, God able to strengthen us so that we can bear them without being crushed altogether.

But as we have seen before we are a partner in a joint venture. We are expected to use the gifts that God has given us. So what is it that might help us when we feel so buffeted by the present circumstances? I make some suggestions below, but you should make your own list, and try them out.

  1. Arrange to ring a friend. Share your worries, and listen to their concerns. Do this regularly.
  2. Make a cake or some food for someone else who is struggling with life at present (observe safety regulations).
  3. Pray for others who are struggling, and keep a regular list of those you pray for - arrow prayers will do.
  4. Do something you have been meaning to do for ages - tidy the attic/a cupboard; download a film you've always wanted to watch; take up some study (a language - see duolingo on line which is free); do some bible study (found online).
  5. Pray for yourself.

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